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How do I make B3 workouts travel accessible?
How do I make B3 workouts travel accessible?
Brandi Robinson avatar
Written by Brandi Robinson
Updated over a week ago

Barre3 Online workouts are super travel-friendly! With the exception of the weights, our other props are easy to travel with. You can deflate the ball to fit it in your bag (or deflate it halfway and use it as an amazing back support on a plane!), and then re-inflate for your workout. The resistance band and NEW barre3 circle bands can fit anywhere and our core sliders are pretty compact, too. However, props are not necessary for any of our workouts. You can ditch the props at any time and focus on your own body’s resistance in our Prop Free Collection here.

Additionally, if you have an IOS device, you can download our workouts for up to 2 weeks on our Apple IOS app! This is a wonderful option for any trips where internet access may be limited- just be sure to download before you go!

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